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How To Naturally Grow Your Followers On TikTok

One of the biggest questions on every TikTok influencer’s lips is this one: how can I grow my follower count naturally? It’s a good question, and one that has many answers. If you’re a TikTok influencer or brand, the last thing you want is an artificially bloated follower count that doesn’t reflect true loyalty to your brand or interest in your content. The goal is to grow your followers in a natural, organic way. Here are just some of the ways you can do that on TikTok.

Create great content

Be interesting

First and foremost, your mission should be to make sure your content is solid. This is easier said than done, of course; creating great content is the key to all social media success, but if it were that easy then everyone would be able to do it. The first rule of creating excellent content on TikTok is originality. Your content should express your unique personality and fit into as much of an individual niche as possible. Don’t despair if you don’t get followers on your first try, either; these things take time!

Upload regularly

Regular posting

We can’t stress this enough: if you don’t upload content regularly, then the followers you’ve amassed will quickly grow bored and move on to a more consistent content stream. It’s not because you’re not creating good content; it’s merely because the gaps grew too long and you didn’t establish a schedule. There’s no golden rule when it comes to how regularly you should post; it all depends on how much effort it takes to create your content. For some, it will be daily. For others, it could be every couple of hours or even every week.

Make sure to land on trends

Spot Trends

Whether you’re a brand or an influencer, the trends that crop up regularly on TikTok should be something you’re watching very closely. Trending content can show you where the TikTok audience’s pulse is at any given moment, and knowing that will allow you to create relevant content that can be seen by more people thanks to TikTok’s algorithm. You don’t need to make everything you create relentlessly on-trend, but ensuring that you’re joining in will naturally grow your follower count.

Integrate with other social media

Social Media

Many TikTok compilations find their way onto YouTube in much the same way as videos from TikTok’s predecessor Vine. That’s why it’s crucial to integrate your social media platforms. If you’re on Twitter, you can cross-publicise your TikTok account to your Twitter followers. The same goes for Facebook, Instagram, and even platforms like Snapchat. The more folks that are aware of your TikTok content, the more potential followers you’re attracting. Don’t limit yourself!

Collaborate with other TikTok users

Collaborate with other TikTok users

The TikTok community has been celebrated for its values of inclusivity and diversity. This isn’t a competitive platform, even though users are naturally competing for users’ time. It’s a collaborative platform, and that’s how you should treat it. Reach out to other TikTok users who are creating content similar to yours and see if there’s a chance you can work with them. The more content you create with other users, the more opportunities there are for their followers to cross-pollinate with yours.

Get professional

Be professional

The best TikTok content creators understand that a technically well-produced piece of content on the platform will perform better than your standard handheld phone footage. We’re not saying you need to buy ridiculously expensive video equipment, but if your phone is ancient, it might be a good idea to invest in a new one before you start creating content. You could also look into purchasing equipment like phone tripods or editing suite software if you’re looking to get serious.

Have fun

Funny clown

The most important thing to remember here is that TikTok should be fun. If growing your follower count isn’t enjoyable to you, then you don’t need to pursue it doggedly as a goal. Your followers will be able to tell if you’re genuinely enjoying yourself while you’re creating content or if you’re just going through the motions. The more fun you’re having, the more that should translate to your content, and the more followers you’re going to see as a result.