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How To Naturally Get More Exposure On Facebook
As of 2019, Facebook was still far and away the most popular social media app out there. Despite fierce competition from the likes of TikTok and Twitter, Facebook remains the most widely-used social media app, likely because of its ability to cross demographics. Lots more adults are on Facebook than other platforms, so it stands to reason the app would still be popular. As such, growing your brand and getting more exposure on Facebook is still well worth it. Here are some methods to help you get more exposure, more friends, and more likes on your Facebook content.
Know your audience

It’s very important that you get to know the audience that’s consuming your content. That way, you can tailor content to them and make sure that they’re more likely to share it, thus gaining you more followers and exposure via word-of-mouth. If you post content that’s off - that is, content that doesn’t appeal to your audience - then you’ll quickly notice the likes and exposure you’ve gained draining away. Make sure to keep up with what your audience is into on Facebook.
Post high-quality, engaging content

Your content should be consistently high-quality, engaging, and original. The more individuality you put into your Facebook posts, the more chance you’ll have of your content being widely shared. If you merely parrot other people’s content or post derivative memes, then you won’t be able to reach the same kind of audience and your content will die before it’s had the chance to impress. It doesn’t matter whether your content is video-based, text-based, or a mixture of the two; it needs to be consistently high-quality.
Pick your times carefully

Perhaps even more than other platforms, the Facebook algorithm is highly dependent on time. If you post your content at certain times of the day and on certain days of the week, you’ll see more engagement. Naturally, you should aim for the weekend; more users will be away from work on those days, so they’ll be browsing through their Facebook feeds, thus making them more likely to spot your content. Morning and early-to-mid afternoon are also good times to aim for since that’s when people tend to check their phones most often.
Don't be too wordy

When people see a lengthy, overly text-heavy Facebook post, they’re not likely to read it all the way through. They may skim it for the basic message of the post, but they won’t read every single word. That’s why it’s important to keep your content short. If you can condense it down to a single sentence, that’s perfect. An image or video would be even better, especially if you can keep them concise. The golden rule here is to keep everything short and sweet. If your post absolutely needs to be lengthy, then that’s OK, but you should be trying to avoid this wherever possible.
Stay up to date

If you’re posting about yesterday’s news, you’re not likely to get more exposure or likes on your content. The world of social media moves extremely quickly, and if you want to keep up then you’re going to need to stay on your toes. Make sure to stay abreast of everything that’s happening in the news, especially if it seems like it would make good social media content. Try not to be too controversial; splitting your audience can sometimes have a detrimental effect on the overall outcome for you in terms of likes and exposure.
Use Facebook Live to stream

People like to see you live-streaming, especially if your content is centered on a talent you have or a particular service you provide. During the coronavirus crisis, many artists live-streamed themselves playing music, not just on Facebook Live but across many different platforms. This increased their engagement massively and made sure people could keep up-to-date with them even as the crisis worsened. It’s a great idea to live-stream yourself doing whatever it is you do, as people are more likely to engage with a stream, especially if you make sure you’re replying as often as you can.